Guide to Ancient Greece

Homeric Epics
Alexander the Great
Map Room


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"In that spot the Greeks defended themselves with daggers--those who had any of them left--yes, and with their hands and their teeth, and the barbarians buried them in missiles, some attacking them from in front and throwing down their wall of defense, while those who had come round the mountain completed the circle of their attackers." - Herodotus, describing the Spartans last stand at Thermopalyae

Learn about the battle of Thermoplyae and many others in the War Room

From the Beginning:
Take a look at the first true Greek civilization, ancient Mycenaea. The city began to flourish around 1400 B.C, quickly growing into a economic and military powerhouse. Perhaps most intriguing of all is the mystery of the civilizations abrupt collapse.


Read more about Mycenaea

Spotlight: Sparta
The well-known Greek city-state is most renown for its warlike society and tenacious Spartan army. Boys from an early age were conditioned for war, which explains why the Spartans were so fierce in combat. Learn about what Spartan life was like as well as some of their most famous warriors.



The Last Great Empire:
Explore the legend of Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia. This military genius conquered and fused together most of the civilized world at the time. He spread many Greek ideas and customs along the way.  

Read more about Alexander

Spotlight: Homeric Epics
Did Homer actually write the famous Illiad & Odyssey epics? Find out the what historians have discovered and what is still left unkown.

Homeric Epics

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